Is it possible to clone an autoflower cannabis plant?

Is cloning an autoflower cannabis plant a feasible venture? In this article, we’ll explore the concept of cannabis cloning, focusing on its potential and limitations. We’ll uncover the benefits of growing clones, examine the unique challenges with autoflowers, and unravel the reasons why successful cloning of autoflowers remains elusive. Stay tuned for a deep dive into the world of cannabis cultivation, where science meets nature in unexpected ways.

What do we mean by cloning a cannabis plant?

Cloning cannabis involves taking a cutting from a mature plant and allowing it to develop roots, effectively creating a genetic copy. This process begins by selecting a healthy mother plant. A cutting, typically a small branch or stem, is then carefully snipped. This cutting is treated with rooting hormones and planted in a growing medium. Under the right conditions—adequate light, temperature, and humidity—the cutting develops its own root system. Once rooted, it grows into a new plant, genetically identical to its parent. This method is popular among growers for preserving desirable traits and ensuring consistency in their cannabis crops.

What advantages do clones have over seeds?

Cloning offers several advantages over starting cannabis plants from seeds:

  1. Genetic Consistency: Clones are genetically identical to the parent plant. This ensures uniformity in the plant’s characteristics, such as its size, yield, THC and CBD content, and growth patterns.
  2. Time Efficiency: Clones skip the germination stage, which can take seeds a week or more. This means a faster start to the growing cycle.
  3. Cost-Effectiveness: Once you have a healthy mother plant, you can produce many clones without additional cost for seeds.
  4. Predictability: With clones, growers know exactly what to expect in terms of the plant’s growth habits, potency, and flowering time, based on the parent plant’s history.
  5. Higher Success Rate: Seed germination can be hit-or-miss, but clones, taken properly, have a high success rate in terms of growing into healthy plants.
  6. Preservation of Phenotypes: Especially for rare or particularly desirable cannabis strains, cloning is an effective way to preserve specific phenotypes that might be difficult to replicate through seeds.

Is it possible to clone an autoflower?

Yes, it is technically possible to clone an autoflower cannabis plant, but it comes with significant challenges that often make it impractical. Autoflowering cannabis plants are genetically programmed to flower after a certain period, regardless of the light cycle. When you take a clone from an autoflowering plant, the clone retains the age of the parent plant. This means the clone will start flowering at the same time as the parent plant, regardless of its size or developmental stage.

Is cloning an autoflower cannabis plant actually worth it?

Cloning autoflower plants is generally considered not worth the effort due to several inherent limitations:

  1. Shortened Life Cycle: Autoflowers are programmed to flower at a certain age, not based on light cycles. This means a clone taken from an autoflower will be as ‘old’ as its parent plant and will flower at the same time. As a result, clones don’t have sufficient time to grow before they start flowering.
  2. Reduced Yields: Due to the limited vegetative growth period, autoflower clones are usually smaller and produce significantly less yield compared to their seed-grown or photoperiod counterparts.
  3. Stress and Health Issues: The cloning process is stressful for plants. Autoflowers, with their rapid growth cycle, have less time to recover from the stress of cloning, which can lead to weaker plants more susceptible to diseases and pests.
  4. Difficulty in Cloning: Cloning autoflowers is a more delicate and challenging process. The timing must be precise, and the window for successful cloning is much narrower than with regular cannabis plants.
  5. Inefficiency: Given the effort involved and the low yield output, cloning autoflowers is often seen as an inefficient use of resources (time, space, and materials) compared to simply growing from seeds.
  6. Genetic Limitations: Autoflower plants are often bred for specific traits like fast growth and resilience. Cloning can sometimes fail to capture these optimized traits fully, leading to less robust plants.

What is the benefit of growing autoflower seeds over a cloned photoperiod?

  1. Faster Growth Cycle: Autoflowers have a much quicker growth cycle than feminized photoperiod seeds. They can go from seed to harvest in about 8-10 weeks, which is ideal for growers looking for a fast turnaround.
  2. Simpler Light Requirements: Unlike photoperiod strains, autoflowers don’t require changes in light cycles to induce flowering. They automatically flower after a set period, making them easier to manage, especially for beginners.
  3. Multiple Harvests in a Season: Due to their short life cycle, it’s possible to have multiple harvests in a single growing season with autoflowers. This can be particularly advantageous in outdoor grows with limited growing seasons.
  4. Resilience: Autoflower plants are often hardier and more resistant to temperature fluctuations and pests. This robustness makes them suitable for less controlled environments or for less experienced growers.
  5. Space Efficiency: Autoflowers generally grow smaller than photoperiod plants, making them a good choice for growers with limited space, like small indoor setups or discreet outdoor gardens.
  6. Reduced Resource Use: Due to their smaller size and shorter life cycle, autoflowers often require less water and nutrients than photoperiod plants over their lifespan.
  7. Genetic Diversity: Autoflowers often come in a wide range of strains, offering growers a variety of options in terms of flavor, aroma, and cannabinoid profiles.


In conclusion, while cloning autoflower cannabis plants is technically possible, it’s often more hassle than it’s worth due to the short life cycle, lower yields, and complex timing. This article has guided you through the essentials of cloning and the unique challenges of autoflowers. Remember, growing from seeds may be a more effective route for autoflowers, offering faster growth and simpler care. Apply these insights to your next grow for a more efficient cultivation experience. If you found this information helpful, don’t forget to like and share this article!

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